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JOB interview preparation


There you are, fresh out of flying school with your new licence in your pocket or they made your redundant after a long carrier with the same airline. What to do next?


Are you ready for a job interview?


Did you know that a good looking cv and a good introduction letter is very important? They need to be professional and polishesed, otherwise they won’t get a second glance from any hiring manager. Experienced pilot or not.


We can help you with:


  • Checking your introduction letter


  • “Pimping” your cv.


  • Job Interview Preparation


        How to dress

        How to prepare

        How to avoid stress

        What kind of questions can they ask / what to answer?

        Practise interviewing

        Preparing for the SIM check



Before and during an interview there are many unknown facts facing you. We will trie to point out some of the pitfalls and things that you can do to enhance your chances of success.  You can prepare answers to sample questions, however, there are lots of other points to consider before the interview.  Preparation is the key to success.

You only get one chance to make a great first impression with the Airline. If you are not prepared and fail, it may take between 1-2 years to get the chance to interview again.


As a former Interview Committee Member, I will help you to prepare, so you will feel more comfortable and confident during the interview.



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